Saturday, October 12, 2024

Summer of 2024

 It's been three years since I posted. To make things simpler, I am going to review this past summer.

We kicked things off with a phenomenal 12 day tour of
the Canadian Rockies. This was taken in Banff National Park
after taking a gondola ride for great views.

One of my favorite shots is of the wildlife crossing bridge in Banff.

And now I can say: I walked on a glacier.

I continued to work on eight pieces showcasing the landmarks
of San Pedro, CA for an online art auction to
benefit the Warner Grand Theater.

I was honored by the Art and Scroll Studio in Alberta, Canada as a
featured artist with a live Zoom interview.

Sage showing off her ballet recital outfit.
She owned the stage at Cuesta College.

Sage loves the stuffies collection and created a zoo/vet office.

A highlight: Teaching Gemma to sew on my tiny Janome.
She loved it!

August 19th, Leon recovered beautifully from outpatient neck surgery
for cervical stenosis. He continues to improve so well!

Friday, January 1, 2021

December 2020

The joy of two precious, loving granddaughters.
This makes the pandemic and quarantine bearable.
The delight of watching them grow and develop into loving
humans is hard to describe.
Gemma knows how to smile for the camera.
Sage looks so relaxed at the wheel.


Thursday, December 31, 2020

A Virtual Thanksgiving


Well, I pulled out the Thanksgiving decor, even added a few new pieces.
No one around the table.
I can't even remember what we ate, but it was not traditional.
Zoomed with family.
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was so disappointing and no fun.
The Dog Show did spark some joy, but no fun since Danny was not here to watch it with me.
But, next year, I believe we will be all together. 

The Infamous Pumpkin Patch


All year long, Gemma has been asking to go to the Pumpkin Patch. 
Her Mom told her that she can go when the 'germ' is gone.
Well, the 'germ' is not gone, but we had a fun visit wearing masks
when wandering around.
Gemma was a sweet big sister, ensuring Sage did not fall off the bale of hay.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

September 2020

Sage celebrates her first birthday, outdoors.
Delicately rubbed the icing on her hands, as though it was a sugar scrub.

Big sister in the party hearty mode.


August 2020


Tinkering time with Poppy.

Practicing walking.

A mother's love.

July 2020

 Summer. Sprinkler. The joy of water, sun and heat.